Office 1/10 Eastbrook Terrace, East PerthPrevious imageNext imageFrom $21,000pa + Outgoings + Car Bay + GSTsave listingOffice 1/10 Eastbrook Terrace, East Perth174m274m2OfficesMark Hay Realty GroupFarhad MogulFarhad MogulEmail the agentCall|Contact form
85 South Perth Esplanade, South PerthContact Agentsave listing85 South Perth Esplanade, South Perth621m2OfficesCBRELuke BrayEmail the agentCall|Contact form
Suite 4, 7 Lyall Street, South Perth$59,280 pa + car bays + outgoings + GSTsave listingSuite 4, 7 Lyall Street, South Perth156m2OfficesRon Farris Real Estate Pty LtdPaul FarrisPaul FarrisEmail the agentCall|Contact form
Level 2/201 Adelaide Terrace, East PerthPrice on Applicationsave listingLevel 2/201 Adelaide Terrace, East Perth343m2OfficesRaine & Horne CommercialMatthew EdwardsMatthew EdwardsEmail the agentCall|Contact form
9/940 Albany Highway, East Victoria ParkCONTACT AGENTsave listing9/940 Albany Highway, East Victoria Park45m245m2OfficesSalt Property GroupAndrew ShueAndrew ShueEmail the agentCall|Contact form
G2/63 Adelaide Terrace, East Perth$650,000 + GST / $375/sqm pa + Outgoings + GSTsave listingG2/63 Adelaide Terrace, East Perth2137m2OfficesSterling PropertyGreg D'ArcyGreg D'ArcyEmail the agentCall|Contact form
7/118 Royal Street, East PerthPrice on Applicationsave listing7/118 Royal Street, East Perth120m2OfficesCentrepoint RealtyGeorge ManiosGeorge ManiosEmail the agentCall|Contact form
168 Adelaide Terrace, East Perth$48,275 Annuallysave listing168 Adelaide Terrace, East Perth315m2OfficesRoss Scarfone Real EstatePaul ScarfonePaul ScarfoneEmail the agentCall|Contact form
30-34 Charles Street, South PerthContact agentsave listing30-34 Charles Street, South Perth50m2202m2OfficesRay White Commercial (WA)Luke PavlosEmail the agentCall|Contact form
21 Regal Place, East PerthPrice on Applicationsave listing21 Regal Place, East Perth495m2OfficesCentrepoint RealtyGeorge ManiosGeorge ManiosEmail the agentCall|Contact form
1 Tully Road, East PerthContact Agentsave listing1 Tully Road, East Perth468m2OfficesRay White Commercial (WA)Luke PavlosEmail the agentCall|Contact form
6/734 Albany Highway, East Victoria ParkPrice on Applicationsave listing6/734 Albany Highway, East Victoria Park99m2OfficesAGORA Property GroupGary LoviGary LoviEmail the agentCall|Contact form
2 Brook Street, East Perth$195 /sqm (+GST)save listing2 Brook Street, East Perth646m2OfficesMetway Real EstateEric RogersEric RogersEmail the agentCall|Contact form
Grd Floor 99 Royal Street, East PerthContact Agentsave listingGrd Floor 99 Royal Street, East Perth180m2OfficesCentrepoint RealtyGeorge ManiosGeorge ManiosEmail the agentCall|Contact form