19/334 Albany Highway, Victoria ParkPrevious imageNext image$50,000 pa + Outgoings + GSTsave listing19/334 Albany Highway, Victoria Park3163m2155m2OfficesMark Hay Realty GroupFarhad MogulFarhad MogulEmail the agentCall|Contact form
11/300 Albany Highway, Victoria Park$11,470.00 p.a. + outgoings + GSTsave listing11/300 Albany Highway, Victoria Park62m2OfficesLJ Hooker Victoria Park- Belmont (WA)Jason HughstonJason HughstonEmail the agentCall|Contact form
432 Albany Highway, Victoria Park$28,800 Annuallysave listing432 Albany Highway, Victoria Park96m2OfficesPerth Property ManagementKristy CoppingKristy CoppingEmail the agentCall|Contact form
3/642 Albany Highway, Victoria Park$6,354 per month + GST + V/O'ssave listing3/642 Albany Highway, Victoria ParkOfficesOeij PropertySimon OeijSimon OeijEmail the agentCall|Contact form
Unit 1/439-441 Albany Highway, Victoria Park$8,900pa + Outgoings + GSTsave listingUnit 1/439-441 Albany Highway, Victoria Park46m2OfficesSVN CommercialGavin LilleymanGavin LilleymanEmail the agentCall|Contact form
59 Albany Highway, Victoria ParkContact Agentsave listing59 Albany Highway, Victoria Park275m2OfficesCBREColin GilchristEmail the agentCall|Contact form
Elite Property 2024East Perth$300,000 Annuallysave listingEast PerthOfficesAdded 7 days agoElite Property 2024Aldo GianottiAldo GianottiEmail the agentCall|Contact form
SVN Commercial6/10 Canning Highway, South Perth$28,320 per annum (gross) + GSTsave listing6/10 Canning Highway, South Perth95m2OfficesSVN CommercialRocco DemaioRocco DemaioEmail the agentCall|Contact form
31 Stiles Avenue, Burswood$52,000 Annuallysave listing31 Stiles Avenue, Burswood6491m2210m2Vacant PossessionOfficesCare RealtyTony GatesTony GatesEmail the agentCall|Contact form
Unit 8/20 Teddington Road, Burswood$9,200 Plus GSTsave listingUnit 8/20 Teddington Road, Burswood46m2OfficesRoss Scarfone Real EstatePaul ScarfonePaul ScarfoneEmail the agentCall|Contact form
10/940 Albany Highway, East Victoria ParkCONTACT AGENTsave listing10/940 Albany Highway, East Victoria Park45m245m2OfficesSalt Property GroupAndrew ShueAndrew ShueEmail the agentCall|Contact form
49/15 Labouchere Road, South Perth$75,000pa + Car Bays + VO's + GSTsave listing49/15 Labouchere Road, South Perth212m2OfficesJohnson Property GroupMichael FullerMichael FullerEmail the agentCall|Contact form
1/9 Bowman Street, South Perth$26,320 Annuallysave listing1/9 Bowman Street, South Perth94m2OfficesPerth Property ManagementVaughan CoppingEmail the agentCall|Contact form
2/57 Labouchere Road, South Perth$26,000p.a. plus GST and Outgoingssave listing2/57 Labouchere Road, South Perth94m2OfficesRH PropertyClive NormanClive NormanEmail the agentCall|Contact form
5/10 Eastbrook Terrace, East Perth$1,500 Monthlysave listing5/10 Eastbrook Terrace, East Perth60m2OfficesSFR Property ProfessionalsLauren LovelaceLauren LovelaceEmail the agentCall|Contact form
68 South Terrace, South Perth$1609.00 pmsave listing68 South Terrace, South Perth11m2OfficesSoco RealtyBill McKenzieBill McKenzieEmail the agentCall|Contact form
1/23 Richardson Street, South PerthUnder Offersave listing1/23 Richardson Street, South Perth18369m2OfficesSterling PropertyGreg D'ArcyGreg D'ArcyEmail the agentCall|Contact form
18 Wickham Street, East Perth$250/sqm pa + GST + Outgoingssave listing18 Wickham Street, East Perth235m2OfficesBurgess RawsonLuke RandazzoLuke RandazzoEmail the agentCall|Contact form
Suite 8/251 Hay Street, East PerthFrom $150 - $200 Per sqm + GST + Outs + Car Baysave listingSuite 8/251 Hay Street, East Perth177m2OfficesMark Hay Realty GroupFarhad MogulFarhad MogulEmail the agentCall|Contact form
Office 1/10 Eastbrook Terrace, East PerthFrom $21,000pa + Outgoings + Car Bay + GSTsave listingOffice 1/10 Eastbrook Terrace, East Perth174m274m2OfficesMark Hay Realty GroupFarhad MogulFarhad MogulEmail the agentCall|Contact form