Suite 8/37 Cedric Street, StirlingPrevious imageNext imageFor Lease: $49,500 + Outgoings + GSTsave listingSuite 8/37 Cedric Street, Stirling168m2168m2OfficesRaine & Horne CommercialMatthew EdwardsMatthew EdwardsEmail the agentCall|Contact form
16/51 Cedric St, StirlingLease: $24,000 pa + Outgoings + GSTsave listing16/51 Cedric St, Stirling113m2113m2OfficesRaine & Horne CommercialMatthew EdwardsMatthew EdwardsEmail the agentCall|Contact form
Level 2/39 Cedric Street, StirlingLease: $49,000 pa + Outgoings + GSTsave listingLevel 2/39 Cedric Street, Stirling195m2OfficesRaine & Horne CommercialScott WaddellEmail the agentCall|Contact form
5/33 Cedric Street, StirlingPrice on Applicationsave listing5/33 Cedric Street, Stirling128m2OfficesRaine & Horne CommercialTerry MenageTerry MenageEmail the agentCall|Contact form
SVN Commercial12/24 Parkland Road, Osborne Park$53,900pa + Outgoings + Car + GSTsave listing12/24 Parkland Road, Osborne Park196m2OfficesSVN CommercialRocco DemaioRocco DemaioEmail the agentCall|Contact form
NewOsborne ParkContact Agentsave listingOsborne Park1,342m2OfficesAdded 4 days agoCBREColin GilchristEmail the agentCall|Contact form
NewSuite 1/186 Main Street, Osborne Park$195/m2 plus rent-free periods!save listingSuite 1/186 Main Street, Osborne Park156m2OfficesAdded 5 days agoProProperty GroupChristopher TanaChristopher TanaEmail the agentCall|Contact form
3A/68 Erindale Road, Balcatta$39,950 + GST and outgoings pasave listing3A/68 Erindale Road, Balcatta182m2182m2OfficesAdded 10 days agoEdison Property CommercialAlan MijacikaAlan MijacikaEmail the agentCall|Contact form
GF west/6 Gibberd Road, BalcattaGround Floor Office rent $20,200 pa + o/g $7,200save listingGF west/6 Gibberd Road, Balcatta115m2OfficesDavenport CommercialGeorge CostopoulosGeorge CostopoulosEmail the agentCall|Contact form
36 HASLER ROAD, Osborne Park$182,000 PA listing36 HASLER ROAD, Osborne Park2067m21,100m2OfficesJohnson Property GroupChris FarrisChris FarrisEmail the agentCall|Contact form
Suite 2/9 McDonald Street West, Osborne ParkUNDER OFFERsave listingSuite 2/9 McDonald Street West, Osborne Park108m2OfficesRon Farris Real Estate Pty LtdPaul FarrisPaul FarrisEmail the agentCall|Contact form
Suite 1/9 McDonald Street West, Osborne Park$16,200 pa + Outgoings + GSTsave listingSuite 1/9 McDonald Street West, Osborne Park108m2OfficesRon Farris Real Estate Pty LtdPaul FarrisPaul FarrisEmail the agentCall|Contact form
T2 & T4/7 Burgay Court, Osborne ParkPrice on Applicationsave listingT2 & T4/7 Burgay Court, Osborne Park103m2OfficesAGORA Property GroupGary LoviGary LoviEmail the agentCall|Contact form
S10/231 Balcatta Road, BalcattaLease: $31,000 pa + Outgoings + GSTsave listingS10/231 Balcatta Road, Balcatta106m2OfficesRaine & Horne CommercialMatthew EdwardsMatthew EdwardsEmail the agentCall|Contact form
24 Collingwood Street, Osborne ParkUNDER OFFERsave listing24 Collingwood Street, Osborne Park140m2OfficesRon Farris Real Estate Pty LtdPaul FarrisPaul FarrisEmail the agentCall|Contact form
3/342 Scarborough Beach Road, Osborne Park$31,050 pa + GSTsave listing3/342 Scarborough Beach Road, Osborne Park345m2OfficesPerth Commercial PropertyAnna ValentineAnna ValentineEmail the agentCall|Contact form
Suite 4B/40 Hasler Road, Osborne ParkPrice on Applicationsave listingSuite 4B/40 Hasler Road, Osborne Park837m2OfficesRon Farris Real Estate Pty LtdPaul FarrisPaul FarrisEmail the agentCall|Contact form
32/25 Walters Drive, Osborne Park$15,600 pa + Outgoings + GSTsave listing32/25 Walters Drive, Osborne Park65m2OfficesRon Farris Real Estate Pty LtdPaul FarrisPaul FarrisEmail the agentCall|Contact form
Level 1/428 Scarborough Beach Road, Osborne ParkLEASE: $84,000 + Outgoings + GSTsave listingLevel 1/428 Scarborough Beach Road, Osborne Park392m2OfficesRaine & Horne CommercialScott WaddellEmail the agentCall|Contact form
1/24 GUTHRIE STREET, Osborne Park$16,425.00 net pa + GSTsave listing1/24 GUTHRIE STREET, Osborne Park73m2OfficesAGORA Property GroupCooper EganCooper EganEmail the agentCall|Contact form