3/73 Calley Drive, LeemingPrevious imageNext imageContact Agentsave listing3/73 Calley Drive, Leeming135m2Medical/ConsultingAdded 12 days agoBelle Property Commercial PerthArlo WalkerArlo WalkerEmail the agentCall|Contact form
9/28 Salpietro Street, Bibra Lake$35,000 pa + Outgoings + GSTsave listing9/28 Salpietro Street, Bibra Lake271m2200m2Industrial/WarehouseAdded 13 days agoNAI Harcourts MetroTony RomanoTony RomanoEmail the agentCall|Contact form
1/2 Port Pirie Street, Bibra Lake$3,740 + Outgoings + GST / Calendar Monthsave listing1/2 Port Pirie Street, Bibra Lake408m2Industrial/WarehouseO'Neil Real EstateLaurinda FowlerLaurinda FowlerEmail the agentCall|Contact form
1/14 Biscayne Way, Jandakot$32,640 p.a. plus Outgoings plus GSTsave listing1/14 Biscayne Way, Jandakot204m2204m2Industrial/WarehouseProfessionals MC Commercial Real EstateRobbie DoyleRobbie DoyleEmail the agentCall|Contact form
2/37 Discovery Drive, Bibra Lake$102,000pa + GST + Outgoingssave listing2/37 Discovery Drive, Bibra Lake636m2Industrial/WarehouseBurgess RawsonBrodie KeayBrodie KeayEmail the agentCall|Contact form
83/3 Barry Marshall Parade, Murdoch$45,000 per annumsave listing83/3 Barry Marshall Parade, Murdoch190m2Medical/ConsultingSterling PropertySimon BradySimon BradyEmail the agentCall|Contact form
5/20 Howson Way, Bibra Lake$50,271 pa + Outgoings + GSTsave listing5/20 Howson Way, Bibra Lake386m2Industrial/WarehouseRon Farris Real Estate Pty LtdAnna-Maree FarrisAnna-Maree FarrisEmail the agentCall|Contact form
1/17 Port Pirie Street, Bibra Lake$60,000 pa netsave listing1/17 Port Pirie Street, Bibra LakeIndustrial/WarehouseSterling PropertyColm McHughColm McHughEmail the agentCall|Contact form
Suite 3.10/44 Barry Marshall, MurdochContact Agentsave listingSuite 3.10/44 Barry Marshall, Murdoch2226m2OfficesSterling PropertySimon BradySimon BradyEmail the agentCall|Contact form
4/37 Howson Way, Bibra LakePrice on Applicationsave listing4/37 Howson Way, Bibra Lake306m2Industrial/WarehouseAGORA Property GroupShannon SwartsShannon SwartsEmail the agentCall|Contact form
3/39 Biscayne Way, Jandakot$25,500 p/a + GST + O/G'ssave listing3/39 Biscayne Way, Jandakot161m2Industrial/WarehouseEnable Real EstateTravis LindstromTravis LindstromEmail the agentCall|Contact form
4/6 Biscayne Way, JandakotCONTACT AGENTsave listing4/6 Biscayne Way, Jandakot388m2Industrial/WarehouseSalt Property GroupAndrew ShueAndrew ShueEmail the agentCall|Contact form
80 Farrington Road, LeemingPrice on Applicationsave listing80 Farrington Road, Leeming700m2135m2Medical/ConsultingRaine & Horne CommercialMatthew EdwardsMatthew EdwardsEmail the agentCall|Contact form
1/53 Bushland Ridge, Bibra LakePrice on Applicationsave listing1/53 Bushland Ridge, Bibra Lake400m2OfficesAGORA Property GroupShannon SwartsShannon SwartsEmail the agentCall|Contact form
Suite 54/3 Barry Marshall Parade, Murdoch$52,000 + Outgoings + GSTsave listingSuite 54/3 Barry Marshall Parade, Murdoch104m2Medical/ConsultingSterling PropertySimon BradySimon BradyEmail the agentCall|Contact form
22- 25/100 Murdoch Drive, Murdoch$1,750,000 or $500/sqm + OG + GSTsave listing22- 25/100 Murdoch Drive, Murdoch2238m2Medical/ConsultingSterling PropertySimon BradySimon BradyEmail the agentCall|Contact form
33 Wellard Street, Bibra Lake$155,000 p/a + GST + O/G'ssave listing33 Wellard Street, Bibra Lake3675m21,484m2Industrial/WarehouseDFR CommercialRobert RyanRobert RyanEmail the agentCall|Contact form
1/18 Renewable Chase, Bibra Lake$135,000pa + Outgoings + GSTsave listing1/18 Renewable Chase, Bibra Lake1706m2854m2Industrial/WarehouseSVN CommercialGavin LilleymanGavin LilleymanEmail the agentCall|Contact form
6 Centurion Place, JandakotContact Agentsave listing6 Centurion Place, Jandakot5,875m2OtherSavillsCatherine van der WaltEmail the agentCall|Contact form
13/100 Murdoch Drive, Murdoch$530,000 + GST / $30,000 pa + Outgoings + GSTsave listing13/100 Murdoch Drive, Murdoch46m2Medical/ConsultingSterling PropertyGreg D'ArcyGreg D'ArcyEmail the agentCall|Contact form