Porter Commercial11 Barrack Square, PerthPrevious imageNext image$52,500 pa + GSTsave listing11 Barrack Square, PerthRetailBruce PorterEmail the agentCall|Contact form
260 - 282 William Street, PerthContact Agentsave listing260 - 282 William Street, Perth70m2RetailAdded 14 days agoSterling PropertyGreg D'ArcyGreg D'ArcyEmail the agentCall|Contact form
1263 Hay Street, West PerthPrice on Applicationsave listing1263 Hay Street, West Perth494m2RetailRealmark CommercialFletcher WolpersFletcher WolpersEmail the agentCall|Contact form
28/60 Newcastle Street, Perth$19,000 Annuallysave listing28/60 Newcastle Street, Perth64m2RetailActon | Belle Property DalkeithSarah HamerEmail the agentCall|Contact form
51 Aberdare Road, NedlandsPrice Reduction - $26,230 pa net + GSTsave listing51 Aberdare Road, Nedlands2261m2RetailSterling PropertyJack BradshawJack BradshawEmail the agentCall|Contact form
277/11 Barrack Square, PerthPrice on Applicationsave listing277/11 Barrack Square, Perth210m2210m2RetailNAI Harcourts MetroDaniel EhrenfeldDaniel EhrenfeldEmail the agentCall|Contact form
151 Broadway, NedlandsPrice on Applicationsave listing151 Broadway, Nedlands278m2RetailShellabearsSusanna WhiteSusanna WhiteEmail the agentCall|Contact form
81 Saint Georges Terrace, PerthPrice on Applicationsave listing81 Saint Georges Terrace, Perth38m2RetailAGORA Property GroupShannon SwartsShannon SwartsEmail the agentCall|Contact form
1/131 Brisbane Street, Perth$39,600.00 p.a. + outgoings + GSTsave listing1/131 Brisbane Street, Perth220m2RetailLJ Hooker Victoria Park- Belmont (WA)Jason HughstonJason HughstonEmail the agentCall|Contact form
Shop B4/Basement, St Corner Barrack St & St Georges Terrace, PerthContact Agentsave listingShop B4/Basement, St Corner Barrack St & St Georges Terrace, Perth25m2RetailSterling PropertyGreg D'ArcyGreg D'ArcyEmail the agentCall|Contact form
1/110 Mounts Bay Road, Perth$325,000 + GSTsave listing1/110 Mounts Bay Road, Perth79m265m2RetailInhabit PropertyTeam HabakTeam HabakEmail the teamCall|Contact form
1/192 Hampden Road, NedlandsPrice on Applicationsave listing1/192 Hampden Road, Nedlands128m2RetailShellabearsSusanna WhiteSusanna WhiteEmail the agentCall|Contact form
G5, 11 Barrack Street, Perth$79,000pa Netsave listingG5, 11 Barrack Street, Perth148m2RetailRay White Commercial (WA)Stephen HarrisonStephen HarrisonEmail the agentCall|Contact form
Lot 278/11 Barrack Square, PerthPrice on Applicationsave listingLot 278/11 Barrack Square, Perth270m2RetailNAI Harcourts MetroDaniel EhrenfeldDaniel EhrenfeldEmail the agentCall|Contact form
122 Murray Street, Perth$54,000 Annuallysave listing122 Murray Street, Perth180m2Vacant PossessionRetailTsokos PropertyLeonie HewsonLeonie HewsonEmail the agentCall|Contact form
38 King Street, PerthPrice on Applicationsave listing38 King Street, Perth125m2RetailAgencia PropertyTom NattrassTom NattrassEmail the agentCall|Contact form
35 Hampden Road, NedlandsPrice on Applicationsave listing35 Hampden Road, Nedlands245m2RetailShellabearsSusanna WhiteSusanna WhiteEmail the agentCall|Contact form
886-890 Hay Street, PerthContact Agentsave listing886-890 Hay Street, Perth603m2RetailRay White Commercial (WA)Luke PavlosEmail the agentCall|Contact form
420 Newcastle Street, West PerthPrice on Applicationsave listing420 Newcastle Street, West Perth250m2RetailAGORA Property GroupCon PassarisCon PassarisEmail the agentCall|Contact form
454 Murray Street, PerthContact Agentsave listing454 Murray Street, Perth465m2503m2RetailNorthbridge Sales and Leasing Pty LtdJason StanleyEmail the agentCall|Contact form