Lot 4 Nicholson Road, Canning ValePrevious imageNext imagePrice on Applicationsave listingLot 4 Nicholson Road, Canning Vale850m2Medical/ConsultingAGORA Property GroupMax VaghellaMax VaghellaEmail the agentCall|Contact form
12A/64-66 Bannister Road, Canning Vale$24,000.00 pa net + GSTsave listing12A/64-66 Bannister Road, Canning Vale72m2Medical/ConsultingAGORA Property GroupShannon SwartsShannon SwartsEmail the agentCall|Contact form
3/73 Calley Drive, LeemingContact Agentsave listing3/73 Calley Drive, Leeming135m2Medical/ConsultingAdded 11 days agoBelle Property Commercial PerthArlo WalkerArlo WalkerEmail the agentCall|Contact form
80 Farrington Road, LeemingPrice on Applicationsave listing80 Farrington Road, Leeming700m2135m2Medical/ConsultingRaine & Horne CommercialMatthew EdwardsMatthew EdwardsEmail the agentCall|Contact form