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27 Derby Highway, Derby WA 6728

Price on Application
  • 1 Bedroom
  • 1 Bathroom
  • Landsize 3.92ac
27 Derby Highway, Derby WA 6728

Vacant Development Acreage on the Highway - Special Use Zoning.

Quote from the shire town planning amendments.
"Support development of land for potential of construction camps on land currently zoned Special Use Tourism Accommodation such as lot 9 (27) Derby Highway. Full details, available Shire Derby West Kimberley website.
Peter Burns - Hutchinson Real Estate
Mob 0407911696 - Email [email protected] - Office 0891921677

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This property at 27 Derby Highway, Derby is a one bedroom, one bathroom house listed for sale by Peter Burns at Hutchinson Real Estate.

For more information about Derby, including sales data, facts, growth rates, nearby transport and nearby shops, please view our Derby profile page.

If you would like to get in touch with Peter Burns regarding 27 Derby Highway, Derby, please call 0407 911 696 or contact the agent via email.

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Nearby schools

Derby District High School
  • Combined
  • Government
Holy Rosary School
  • Primary
  • Non-government

Derby overview

Are you interested in buying, renting or investing in Derby? Here at REIWA, we recognise that choosing the right suburb is not an easy choice.

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Derby quick stats

High end $400k
Median $225k
Low end $179k
-16.0 %
Annual growth
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The average number of selling days in Derby is 36 days.

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27 Derby Highway, Derby has been viewed 94 times on, and has appeared 13,050 times in search results.